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Public event

Understanding and managing transition risk for development banks

This COP26 side-event provided an overview of how development banks are managing transition risk. Like other financial institutions, development banks need to develop frameworks to measure and understand their own level of exposure to climate-related transition risk. But development banks also have a specific responsibility for ensuring that their clients and partners are made aware of the growing importance of transition risk and accompanied in measuring and managing this risk.


  • Introduction – Secretariat of Mainstreaming Climate in Financial Institutions
  • Panel discussion
    • Thomas Nicolas de Lamballerie, Credit Risk Deputy Head, French Development Agency
    • Nicola Mustetea, Climate Change Manager, CDC Group
    • Effy Ritter, Head of Climate Risk and TCFD delivery, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
    • Maximilian Abt and Steve Wagner, Climate Risk Officers, European Investment Bank
    • Peter Hilliges, Chief Climate Officer of KFW Development Bank
  • Discussion / Q& A with the room
  • Key takeaways and conclusion, Bella Tonkonogy, Associate Director, Climate Finance, Climate Policy Initiative
