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Supporting institution


Information presented in this profile is for reference only. The Initiative, its Supporting Institutions and the Secretariat do not endorse the activities, tools or reports included in this profile.

Last updated: August 2023


Overview of cliamte mainstreaming approach and goals:

FONPLATA recognizes the vital significance of fostering sustainable and resilient economies among its member countries. To this end, the Bank has introduced a dedicated financing line with preferential interest rates, specifically designed to stimulate the demand for climate change mitigation and adaptation projects.

Moreover, FONPLATA integrates climate change in its operations through the application of a Rapid Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment tool. This innovative tool, developed with technical assistance of the European Investment Bank, aligns with the recently released IPCC 6th Assessment Report (AR6). It conducts comprehensive risk analyses on compound extreme weather events, meticulously scrutinizing factors such as precipitation, temperature, and heat stress on a case-by-case basis. By combining this data with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), risks of floods, droughts, and wildfires are rigorously evaluated. The findings are then collaboratively reviewed with local authorities and engineers, enriching project designs and enhancing their effectiveness. Furthermore, in certain scenarios, the outcomes underscore the necessity for strategic investment planning tools, including a master plan for storm drainage or climate risk contingency plans.

For mitigation projects, FONPLATA estimates CO2 volumes reduction using Carbon Footprint estimation tools available online.

Principal Strategic Documents:

Principal Tools and Methodologies:

Case studies:

Risk Reduction by a Regional Development Bank through Rapid Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessments (Rapid-CRVA)

Key reports and materials published by the institution: