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A Framework and Principles for Climate Resilience Metrics in Financing Operations

This paper sets out principles, including core concepts and other characteristics of climate resilience metrics, together with a high-level framework for such metrics in financing operations, focusing mainly on MDB and IDFC operations but with wider applicability to other types of financial institutions. However, this paper does not attempt to provide a universal guide for climate resilience financing activities. Instead it focuses specifically on systems of measurement to define and report on the contribution of financing activities toward climate resilience objectives.
Climate resilience metrics complement adaptation finance tracking through a broad and flexible approach that reflects the great heterogeneity and diversity of climate vulnerability contexts and of potentially appropriate financing responses.

Key points

The climate resilience metrics framework is a flexible structure based on a logical model and results chain. It guides the development of climate resilience metrics for individual assets and systems, and for financing portfolios, on two levels:
1. Quality of project design (diagnostics, inputs, activities)
2. Project results (outputs, outcomes, impacts)
The framework is underpinned by common principles: four core concepts to develop climate resilience metrics and functional characteristics of those metrics. The four core concepts reflect the need for:
1. a context-specific approach to climate resilience metrics,
2. compatibility with the variable and often long timescales associated with climate change impacts and building climate resilience,
3. an explicit understanding of the inherent uncertainties associated with future climate conditions, and
4. the ability to cope with the challenges associated with determining the boundaries of climate resilience projects.