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Case study

World Bank’s Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tool helps identify short- and long-term climate and disaster risks for better risk management in development

Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tools were developed by the World Bank to provide a systematic, consistent and transparent way of doing this. The tools include a national/policy level tool and seven project level tools.
Key points
  • The tools are a useful framework to consider climate and disaster risks at early stages of project development; and the dedicated sector tools provide a good basis to assess risks to key aspects of project design.
  • The quick access to climate information at the national and subnational level is very helpful for the initial assessment of impacts.
  • The option to work on the CRST as a team provides a collaborative, participatory way to bring subject matter expertise while screening and provides a better basis for managing risks from climate change.
  • The tools inform further consultations and dialogue, and may help determine the need for further studies in the course of project design or planning at the national/sector level.